Submitted or Under Review
[1] Geyman, B.M., et al. (In Revision) “Cumulative Impacts of Past and Future Anthropogenic Releases on the Global Mercury Cycle.” Environmental Science & Technology
[2] Dastoor, A., et al. (36 co-authors including B.M. Geyman) (Accepted) “The Multi-Compartment Hg Modeling and Analysis Project (MCHgMAP): Mercury modeling to support international environmental policy.” Geoscientific Model Development. [PDF]
[3] Olson, C., Jane, S., Geyman, B.M., et al. (Under Review) “Soil Mercury Accumulation Delays Fish Recovery From Atmospheric Deposition Declines.” Environmental Science & Technology
Journal Articles
[7] Zolkos, S., Geyman, B.M., et al. (2024) “Substantial mercury releases and local deposition from permafrost peatland wildfires in southwestern Alaska.” Environmental Science & Technology, 58(46), 20654-20664. [PDF]
[6] Geyman, B.M., D.G. Streets, C.P. Thackray, C.L. Olson, K. Schaefer, and E.M. Sunderland. (2024). “Projecting Global Mercury Emissions and Deposition Under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.” Earth’s Future, 12, e2023EF004231. [PDF]
[5] Geyman, B.M., C.P. Thackray, D.J. Jacob, and E.M. Sunderland. (2023). “Impacts of Volcanic Emissions on the Global Biogeochemical Mercury Cycle: Insights from Satellite Observations and Chemical Transport Modeling.” Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GRL104667. [PDF] [Summary]
[4] Dai, M.Q., B.M. Geyman, X.C. Hu, C.P. Thackray, and E.M. Sunderland. (2023). “Sociodemographic Disparities in Mercury Exposure from U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants.” Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 10(7), 589–595. [PDF] [Summary]
[3] Olson, C.I., B.M. Geyman, C. P. Thackray, D.P. Krabbenhoft, M.T. Tate, E.M. Sunderland, and C.T. Driscoll. (2022). “Mercury in soils of the conterminous United States: patterns and pools.” Environmental Research Letters, 17, 074030. [PDF]
[2] Zolkos, S., A.V. Zhulidov, T.Y. Gurtovaya, V.V. Gordeev, S. Berdnikov, N. Pavlova, E.A. Kalko, Y.A. Kuklina, D.A. Zhulidov, L.S. Kosmenko, A.I. Shiklomanov, A. Suslova, B.M. Geyman, C.P. Thackray, E.M. Sunderland, S.E. Tank, J.W. McClelland, R.G.M. Spencer, D.P. Krabbenhoft, R. Robarts, and R.M. Holmes (2022). “Multidecadal declines in particulate mercury and sediment export from Russian rivers in the pan-Arctic basin.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, 14. [PDF]
[1] Geyman, B.M., J.L. Ptacek, M. LaVigne, and T.J. Horner (2019). “Barium in deep-sea bamboo corals: Phase associations, barium stable isotopes, & prospects for paleoceanography” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 525, 115751. [PDF]
White Papers and Technical Reports
[1] Sunderland, E.M., Thackray, C.P., Geyman, B.M., Dai, M., Hammit, J., Goho, S., Driscoll, C.T. (2022). “A Template for a State-of-the-Science Assessment of the Public Health Benefits associated with Mercury Emissions Reductions for Coal-fired Electricity Generating Units.” Harvard Chan C-Change.